8 positions for those who have painful sex
If sex makes you associate with pain, then it’s time to reconsider your intimate strategy and choose other positions that will equally please not only your partner, but also you personally.
What to do if sex is painful?
Sex, like the East, is a delicate matter. There are no uniform rules that work always and everywhere. A pose that was enchanting pleasure with one man can be terribly unpleasant with another partner. How to be? It is necessary to approach this issue thoughtfully, paying attention to the following aspects …
1. Visit your doctor
For various reasons, women may develop erosion, as a result of which sex suddenly becomes painful. Erosion is an unpleasant but treatable disease. Do not ignore your body signals and do not forget about the importance of a timely examination by a doctor.
2. Extend foreplay
Many experts claim that the most popular cause of pain is lack of lubrication. It may seem like we’re ready to jump right off the bat by jumping into sex right after a couple of kisses. However, our bodies may have a different opinion. If it takes you time to get fit, just ask a man to caress you longer. Use sensual kissing techniques. 3. Stock up on lubricants It happens that a woman, in principle, produces little lubrication, no matter how hard you try, no matter how you caress her – and there, in the holy of holies, it is not so wet. Fortunately, the sex industry offers a wide variety of lubricants of all kinds . There is a misconception that the use of lubricant offends the partner, as if by this we say, “You are not so exciting that I can do without additional lubrication.” This is nonsense, do not be ashamed of lubricants . However, it is worthwhile to carefully study their features, since they have different goals and different components. 4. Connect your fantasy You can endlessly love your man and at the same time not always experience a burning sexual desire. But after all, no one forbade us to fantasize a little, say, about our favorite sex symbol: a famous football player, actor or singer. This is not cheating, don’t worry. Of course, you should not shout out the name of another man in bed, otherwise the partner will be afraid of how offended you are. By the way, you don’t have to imagine another guy to get aroused more. It is enough to mentally imagine yourself and your beloved, visually creating some kind of role – playing scene that has turned you on for a long time. 5. Change the pose Pose is everything! If with a partner with a small penis, positions for deep penetration gave the girl indescribable pleasure, then with a “large-caliber” partner, your favorite position can cause severe discomfort. So you have to experiment.
Poses for painless sex
And with that last point in mind, let’s explore some of the positions that allow you to intensify your orgasm without experiencing pain.
Ideal for lovers of oral sex, when partners can mutually caress each other. Whom to be on top is up to you, but it is usually recommended for the heaviest partner to take a position from below. The 69 position enables clitoral stimulation and eliminates the need for the penis to penetrate the vagina.
2. Scorpio
A great position has several advantages. The pillow helps to reduce stress on the lower back, without the need to rest on your knees and hands. The entrance to the vagina in this version will be slightly wider than in the classic missionary position, and this will facilitate the penetration of the penis inside.
This position will be an excellent grande finale after an exciting erotic massage. In addition, the man’s genitals will be in contact with the clitoris, which will increase arousal and increase the chances of a sweet orgasm.
3. Iron
The pose got its name from the fact that the man’s body seems to be stroking the girl’s back, as if he were an iron. This option resembles the position mentioned in the previous paragraph, but there are some differences. Since the girl’s pelvis is not raised by the pillow, the man in this case cannot enter as deeply as in the Scorpio variation. Therefore, it is worth choosing a position if the guy has a big dick and you want to somehow restrict his penetration.
If the penis is too narrow, then it is worth bringing your legs together (so the entrance to the vagina will become narrower). If the penis, on the other hand, has an impressive diameter and girth, then it is recommended to spread your legs to the sides, allowing the man to lie between your thighs.
4. Horsewoman
There are many options for the “Riding” sex position, but we suggest paying special attention to this subspecies. The man sits here with a slight tilt. The woman sits on top, her body pressed against the man. The position provides deep penetration, while the dominant role is assigned to the girl, which allows her to quickly stop or change the depth of the entrance if unpleasant sensations suddenly arise. As the bodies touch, the position allows the clitoris to rub against the man’s body, creating pleasant vibrations. This method will help increase arousal and achieve orgasm. If you like additional stimulation, then place pillows under the man’s back so that he does not lean on his hands and can caress your body with his hands.
5. Double pleasure

Some people call this position nirvana, because it allows you to experience different types of sexual pleasure at the same time. Penetrating his partner vaginally or anally , a man can fondle his girlfriend’s body while playing with her clitoris.
However, the girl’s hands are also not busy, so she herself can enhance the pleasure she receives by stimulating her erogenous zones.
6. Missionary
While the missionary position is considered by many to be the most dull, it’s actually not that bad. You just have to experiment with the angles of entry (lowering or raising the pelvis) and the tightness of penetration (bringing the legs together or apart).
In cases where pain during sex is caused by a penis that is too long, you can limit your partner’s ability to penetrate the full length. To do this, you just need to squeeze your thighs tightly. In addition, the friction against the clitoris increases when the hips are compressed, which can give additional pleasure.
7. Lap dance
A gentle yet passionate pose for couples in love, which allows you to enhance the feeling of unity between partners. This position can be used for anal and vaginal sex. If you feel uncomfortable, take this position for sex with mutual masturbation without penetration. Lean back on the couch, let the man place his penis between your legs so that it touches the labia and clitoris. Do not lean on your penis with all your weight. Perform gentle lap-dance style movements. At the same time, both the partner and the partner can additionally caress each other’s genitals with their hands.
8. Spoons
One of the most delicate positions in sex is the so-called. position “Spoons”, while the Partners lie together, slightly bending their knees, resembling folded spoons. This is one of the best positions for slow sex. With this position of the bodies, a man will not be able to move too sweepingly, he will not penetrate the entire length of the penis, and therefore the risk of painful sensations will decrease. In this case, the partners’ hands are free and they can stroke each other’s bodies. Again, there is the possibility of clitoral stimulation, which is extremely important for many women. And finally I want to say the following … Dear ladies, NEVER endure pain. Warn your partner if their angle of penetration, posture or speed is causing you distress. Frankly speaking, men are not psychics and will easily take a moan of pain for a moan of pleasure. Do not be silent, do not hint, tell it directly, as it is. And I also want to appeal to men! Dear ones, be wiser and learn, finally, to distinguish the sweet “mmm, oo-oo-oo-oo-oo, yes …” from “A-ah-ah!”. Let there always be an understanding person next to you, let sex give only an orgasm and a feeling of spiritual unity with your beloved. No boring night everyone!