Modern erectile dysfunction treatments

Hormonal disorders and stress as a cause of impotency

Hormonal disorders. With these words, men immediately think of testosterone, but about 90% of cases of hormonal impotence are caused by diabetes. According to one theory, maintaining normal blood sugar levels prevents both impotence and other complications of diabetes (eye and kidney damage). Strict sugar control requires strict adherence to the diet, maintaining a normal weight and, if necessary, several insulin injections per day. Complications of diabetes are irreversible, so everyone, having learned his diagnosis, should immediately take the measures described.

Other hormonal disorders (lack of testosterone and other hormones as a result of diseases of the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland) not only affect the erection, but also reduce sexual desire. Other physiological causes of impotence. There are many such reasons, but they are rare. Thus, 50% of patients who need hemodialysis suffer from impotence, but in most of them the function is restored after a successful kidney transplant.

A full erection requires relatively normal functioning of certain organs, so victims of serious chronic diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver or cancer experience marked difficulties. There are also violations after heart attacks, but this happens rather as a result of medication and stress. Men with high blood pressure often worry about this, but hypertension itself does not lead to impotence. Psychogenic causes. Severe depression or stress are the main causes of psychogenic impotence. Depressed patients lose the ability to enjoy, and this is a powerful barrier to erectile function. Such people lose their self-esteem and hope for the future, are convinced that they, they say, deserve their humiliation and in any case cannot change their attitude towards life. Suffering from other serious mental illnesses (schizophrenics and maniacs) confuse others and attract the attention of doctors, but you cannot call them depressed. Depression is a painful and depressing condition, sometimes even more dangerous for life, as it can lead to suicide.

Many consider depression to be an excellent example of a purely emotional disorder, and they believe that it should be treated with kindness and psychotherapy, not medication. This opinion is wrong. Serious mental disorders are in fact brain diseases. Traditional psychotherapy in such situations acts poorly. The best results are achieved when using drugs and electric shock.

Doctors no longer conclude that every impotent who is anxious or afraid should blame these feelings for their problems. Both anxiety and fear can cause impotence itself . In addition, increased anxiety is a normal condition for some people. It is not difficult to convince them of anything, precisely because of their tendency to intense experiences. Every man under the influence of stress can temporarily become impotent, but in order for this condition to manifest itself regularly or become permanent, serious misfortunes, loss of work, a major family conflict, etc. are needed.

People who consider sex a daily duty, and not the joy of life, also risk falling into trouble. Impotence is often affected by very religious people, as well as abused and men with distorted ideas about their sexual capabilities. Some men initially did not show much interest in sex, but refraining from intercourse is not a disease, unless the person himself is spiritually suffering from this. And finally, there are men who need non-traditional sexual relationships: some homosexuals (active), coming into contact with a woman, turn out to be impotent.

What else weakens the male power

Flu does not pass without a trace for men. This is true?

If a man has had flu or acute respiratory viral infections, which were accompanied by intoxication and a rise in body temperature, then over the next 5 months after recovery, spermatogenesis will be significantly worsened. That is, to conceive at this time will be problematic. And this applies to any disease, accompanied by fever. Then comes the recovery. Exception – mumps, or parotitis. When it occurs, boys may develop orchitis – inflammation of the testicle , which often ends with the development of infertility. But there is a vaccination against mumps.

They say chronic prostatitis does not exist. But prostate adenoma is at all.

Not. The disease “chronic prostatitis”, of course, exists. Although its prevalence is exaggerated. The reasons are “classic ­ sexually transmitted infections and banal flora, which can be earned through oral and anal contact. The man did not pay attention to the incomprehensible discharge, temporary discomfort in the urethra, and eventually got prostatitis .

Adenoma, or benign prostatic hyperplasia of the prostate gland, is a very common disease in which the number of prostate cells increases, which leads to the formation of nodes in it, often large. The prostate increases with age in all, and the higher the level of testosterone, the faster. By the way, chronic prostatitis is a risk factor for developing prostate cancer. But with adenoma, bladder cancer is much less common.

In 40 years, 40% of men have problems with potency, and with age, the percentage is still increasing …

One of the most famous and serious research on this topic was conducted by scientists at the University of Massachusetts. It covered more than a thousand people. It turned out that in varying degrees, erectile dysfunction was observed in 40% of men 40 years old, 48% of men 50 years old, 57% of 60-year-olds and 67% from the age of 70. But the main thing that scientists have established is that the causes of the disorder are not age, but diseases and bad habits.

And what is it worth checking men after 45 years?

Bchelklinichesky blood test, which therapists love to prescribe, does not give existence ­ health information. What is desirable to do? Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, gastroscopy, lung examination (at least ­ graph), ECG, biochemical blood tests: glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, liver enzymes, bilirubin, creatinine , general clinical examination of urine. This set will help you understand how healthy you are.

Is it true that a man’s testosterone rises in the morning? It turns out that sex is better to do in the morning and not in the evening?

Sex in the morning – it would be perfect, the charge of good mood and vigor all day you provided. Early morning hours pastry level ­ Sterona reaches its maximum and decreases in the evening.

Bad habits:

– Sedentary lifestyle.
– Lack of sleep.
– Long abstinence.
– Frequent stress. Testosterone decreases.
– Smoking and alcohol abuse. Both have a pronounced toxic effect.
– Continuous use of mobile phones and carrying them in your pants pocket. Worse sperm.

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