Modern erectile dysfunction treatments

How to use Ciprofloxacin

The range of antibacterial drugs is increasing every year, but Ciprofloxacin for prostatitis has taken its niche among other medications.

The increasing prevalence of acute and chronic prostatitis, which bothers the patient with the presence of pelvic pain and urinary disorders, is not only a medical but also a social problem.

Inflammation of the prostate gland leads to disruption of spermatogenesis, to a decrease in sperm fertility. The influence of the “male” factor of infertile marriage is increasing, the birth rate is declining. One of the leading causes of inflammation is the microbial factor, so the use of antibiotics becomes a necessary condition.

The selection of an effective antibacterial agent for treatment is especially relevant in conditions of reduced immunity due to such reasons as the negative impact of the “benefits of civilization” in the form of phones, smartphones, computers, deteriorating ecology, the influence of bad habits, physical inactivity and the uncontrolled use of antibiotics, most of which are microbes. learned to develop resilience.

Almost 80 years have passed since the discovery of penicillin by Fleming. Over the years, not just many new groups of antibiotics have been created. In each of them, new generations of drugs are regularly synthesized.

Ciprofloxacin is a representative of the 4th generation of antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group .

Composition and form of release

The Latin name of the main substance is ciprofloxacin , the Russian name is ciprofloxacin.

The drug is available in the form:

  • tablets containing 0.5 g of active ingredient in one tablet and packed in 10 pieces;
  • capsules of 0.25 g of ciprfloxacin , 10 pieces;
  • containers of 100 ml containing 200 mg of the active substance;
  • eye drops of 0.3% solution in vials and syringes-tubes.

The solution is intended for intravenous injection, tablets and capsules are drunk.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has an extended effect. This means its high activity against many types of microorganisms, Gram -stained both positively and negatively.

It has a bactericidal effect on the pathogenic flora, and is active against microbes that multiply and are in the resting phase.

Its mechanism of action is to block the microbial enzyme DNA gyrase . The loss of the ability to synthesize a DNA chain and a protein molecule in microbes leads to their death. The drug is able to destroy the microbial wall.

The maximum amount in the blood during intravenous infusion is created one hour after administration, penetrates into the tissues of the prostate and seminal fluid, which allows the use of ciprofloxacin in injections from prostatitis. The concentration in the urine 2 hours after administration is 100 times higher than the concentration in the blood.

Why the drug is popular

It is wrong to talk about the popularity of such a powerful drug, as well as antibiotics in general. It was the availability and popularity of this group of serious drugs that led some microbes not only to stop responding to treatment, but also included the antibiotic in their life cycle. Any antibiotic cannot be popular and available for purchase without a prescription at a pharmacy.

Only a doctor has the right to prescribe an antibiotic strictly according to indications. This can be said about the treatment of prostatitis with ciprofloxacin. It is the duty of the patient to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, not to quit the appointment on their own. In case of complications, notify the treating doctor.

Nevertheless, the drug ciprofloxacin has earned the right to be called the “gold standard” in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area, prostate, respiratory organs, gonorrhea, anthrax. This is due to:

  • a wide spectrum of action;
  • high bioavailability;
  • practically no contraindications;
  • slow development of microbial flora resistance;
  • ease of use;
  • price affordability.

The effect of ciprofloxacin on the prostate

In the complex treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis, antibiotics occupy the first place. Before the advent of broad-spectrum antibiotics, the choice of the “right” drug was carried out after sowing biological fluids (semen, prostate juice, urine) for the presence of flora and determining the sensitivity of the flora.

Ciprofloxacin in acute and chronic prostatitis has an etiological effect on the microbial factor that caused inflammation. The drug does not directly affect the tissue of the gland.

Treatment regimen and dosage

The scheme, course and dose of ciprofloxacin depend on the severity of the inflammatory process, the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases. For example, for the treatment of acute gonorrhea, one 200 mg IV infusion or one 500 mg capsule is sufficient. For the treatment of acute prostatitis caused by gram -negative flora, intravenous infusion of ciprofloxacin or oral administration is prescribed for 1-2 weeks.

It is preferable to dilute the drug in saline or 5% glucose solution, the infusion lasts about 30 minutes. Usually a single dose of 200 mg IV, repeated after 12 hours.

The dosage of ciprofloxacin in chronic prostatitis does not differ from the dosage in the acute form, but the duration of the course of treatment is doubled to 2-4 weeks until the symptoms disappear.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the appointment of ciprofloxacin determines the sensitivity of the microbes that caused the infectious and inflammatory process in a particular organ. Most often, these are staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Escherichia , Salmonella, Shigella , Klebsiella, Yersinia and others. Nosological forms can be varied:

  • diseases of the respiratory tract and ENT organs;
  • kidney and urinary tract infections;
  • inflammation of the genital area, including STDs and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • postpartum and postoperative infections, sepsis, peritonitis;
  • infections of the digestive system, enteritis, colitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammation of the musculoskeletal system.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • pseudomembranous colitis;
  • enzyme deficiency 6-glucose phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

With extreme caution, Ciprofloxacin is prescribed to age patients, people with chronic renal failure, atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular disorders, mental illness, convulsions and epilepsy, and severe liver disease.

Side effects

  1. In the digestive tract, there may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
  2. Neurological disorders are manifested in the form of headache, dizziness, convulsions, migraine, depression, confusion.
  3. Hearing, vision, taste and smell are rarely affected.
  4. There may be tachycardia, a decrease in pressure.
  5. Salts or blood may appear in the urine.
  6. There are muscle pains, joint damage, allergic reactions, skin manifestations.
  7. Laboratory revealed leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, increased transaminases, increased blood sugar.

Long-term antibiotic use can provoke dysbacteriosis. To prevent this complication, the appointment of probiotics and prebiotics is indicated .


Treatment of prostatitis with ciprofloxacin analogues gives the same result as treatment with the main drug. The list of analogues is wide. Among them are domestic and imported drugs.

The most famous analogues are:

  • tsifran ;
  • ciprolet ;
  • cyprobay ;
  • microflox ;
  • cipro sandoz ;
  • cipro ;
  • zipron ;
  • cypronal .

Prices for analogues practically do not differ from the prices for ciprofloxacin and are affordable for most patients.

special instructions

Instructions for use of ciprofloxacin gives recommendations on how to take the drug in special cases. In case of prolonged diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis should be ruled out and the patient should be discontinued with this drug. Cancellation is required for tendon and muscle pain.

The drug is excreted by the kidneys, therefore, during treatment, an enhanced drinking regimen is recommended.

During the treatment period, prolonged insolation should be avoided.

Ciprofloxacin reduces attention when driving vehicles and working with mechanisms.

Interaction with other drugs

  1. First of all, it should be borne in mind that the solution for infusion is incompatible with acidic solutions.
  2. Taking NSAIDs increases the risk of seizures.
  3. With methaclopramide, the onset of the maximum concentration of ciprofloxacin is accelerated.
  4. The combination with other antibiotics gives a synergistic effect, however, when combined with cyclosporine, the nephrotoxic effect is enhanced.
  5. Indirect anticoagulants become more active in the presence of ciprofloxacin.

Interaction with alcohol

The instruction does not contain direct prohibitions on the inadmissibility of drinking alcohol. It is known that against the background of taking alcoholic beverages, the reaction is weakened when driving vehicles and when working with mechanisms.

It should also be remembered that the drug is metabolized in the liver, which is difficult to work in the presence of alcohol. If the patient receives metronidazole simultaneously with ciprofloxacin in the presence of indications and symptoms , then alcohol intake is strictly prohibited.

Doctors’ opinion

Reviews of doctors about the drug are the most positive, which is why it is recognized as the gold standard of antibacterial therapy for inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland. It is preferred to be prescribed on an outpatient basis and in a hospital. Side effects are infrequent, overdoses almost never occur.


The drug is dispensed by prescription, so the patient does not have the opportunity to take it on their own. For symptoms of acute or chronic prostatitis, contact a urologist or andrologist and be sure. that with the appointment of ciprofloxacin, the symptoms will disappear and the important function of the prostate will be restored.

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