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Methods and ways of increasing female libido

Trying to understand female sexuality, psychologists came up with a name for this name – female libido. This term has been in use for many years and is closely related to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic method. It is a process that brings together different aspects of sex drive. But there are situations when a woman’s libido decreases and there are a number of reasons for this that you need to know about in order to timely eliminate problems in bed. 

What is libido in women

The scientific interpretation of the term is biological energy, which forms the basis of a woman’s sexual desire and love. This energy manifests itself through sex drive, full orgasm and satisfaction in bed.

What is libido?

Investigating libido, scientists have identified several components of female sex appeal:

  • psychological;
  • biological.

There is no point in arguing about which of the factors is more important, since the indisputable fact is that it is the combination of these characteristics that is most important for the manifestation of female hypersexuality.

If there is a lack of energy, then this can lead to a complete lack of interest in sex life. This process is not considered the norm, but it is not a disease either.

On the one hand, a decrease in libido is attributed to the neurological characteristics of the weaker sex: shyness, suspiciousness, sensitivity . On the other hand, an important factor is hormonal fluctuations. A woman’s sexuality is directly related to the menstrual cycle, and can vary greatly depending on the specific stage. If you find specialized literature and read scientific studies on this topic, you can conclude that a greater erotic mood is observed in women after the end of menstruation. And it gradually decreases in the first seven days of the second half of the cycle.

Causes of a decrease in female libido

If a man began to notice that a woman is losing interest in him, it is necessary to identify the reasons that contribute to this state of his beloved.

One of the main factors is psychological. The decrease in female libido is influenced by psychosocial influences:

  • Inappropriate childhood sex education or a conflicted family in which she grew up.
  • Expectation of unpleasant sensations during intimacy.
  • Stress and depression that arise at work or in personal life.
  • Not a trusting relationship with a partner.
  • Insufficiently informed or completely unprepared first intercourse (probably unsuccessful), which will forever remain in the woman’s head.
  • Unfavorable social conditions.
  • Fear of getting pregnant.

Getting rid of each cause is an extremely important process, because without it, a woman can get a complete aversion to sex life.

Hormonal factors also affect the decrease in libido:

  • A woman’s level of sexual desire depends on estradiol. In the case of a lack of substance, problems with the reproductive system also begin.
  • The hormone testosterone is present not only in the male body. But in the female, it is contained in small quantities. If this minimum level begins to fall, this will lead to a decrease in the desire to get closer to partners, and will also affect the activity and general mood.
  • Women’s sexuality directly depends on progesterone in the body.

Problems with female libido

Another important factor that reduces female libido is physiological:

  • Feeling unwell due to various diseases. Long-term chronic or recurrent illnesses cause the most serious damage. To maintain a sense of attractiveness, a woman desperately needs male support.
  • Taking medications. Sometimes antidepressants and pain relievers can have a negative impact on your intimate life. You should not get carried away with beta-blockers, which are often prescribed for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Do not overuse oral contraceptives. These funds inhibit libido. The process is especially noticeable in young girls.

Women’s sexuality is extremely fragile and can be influenced by numerous negative factors. Therefore, a man needs to surround his soul mate with care and love constantly.

Ways to Increase Sexual Desire

There is no one-size-fits-all way to increase female libido. It is necessary to use an integrated approach, and in some cases, pharmaceutical and psychological “adjustment”. If you have problems with your intimate life, you can try several of the methods described below. It will be useful for men to know how to increase female libido.

Improving lifestyle

In most cases, in order to increase a woman’s sexual desire, she needs to improve her existing lifestyle. Probably, the current one does not suit her, hence certain problems arise.

Sometimes you have to approach the solution of the problem of raising libido globally – to change jobs, where there is a large amount of stress.

But also the decision can be smaller, but just as important. But here many already depend on the man. For example, various comedies often show a woman preparing dinner, cleaning the apartment while her husband comes home from work, throws off his socks on the floor and lies down on the sofa to watch TV.

In fact, this situation is absolutely not funny and often just depresses the woman. To cope with this problem, a man needs to be sensitive – to help with the preparation of dinner, without reminders or persuasion from his wife to vacuum the apartment, hammer in a nail somewhere, hang a shelf or replace a sweetheart. It sounds trite, but it works.

Diversity in intimate life

Decreased libido occurs when partners have been living together for a long time. For them, sex has become a routine activity that takes place exclusively in bed without light, under a blanket and without any romance.

In this case, again, the man should take the initiative if he noticed that the woman has lost interest in him. Experiments are needed, you can try spontaneous sex in a public place, or just change the environment: do it on the kitchen table, take a shower together.

We must not forget that a woman should always feel desirable. Therefore, you need to abandon the “sex schedule”. Even something as small as a spontaneous kiss or unexpected stroking of private parts will help rekindle the spark.

Decreased female libido, what to do?

Bioactive additives

To increase libido in a woman, sometimes you need to pay attention to proper nutrition. But even if you forget about junk food, not all the necessary trace elements will still fall out into the body, so you should additionally take vitamin and mineral complexes, medicines. For example, experts recommend different versions of Cyclovit .

Intimate cosmetics and lubricants

Libido in women will decrease if she experiences unpleasant or even painful sensations every time she has sex. To solve the problem, it is necessary to switch to an open dialogue with a partner, to restore trust.

If a woman experiences pain during intercourse, this should be reported immediately and offered to use lubricants . Using lubricants and other intimate cosmetics, you can get rid of discomfort and renew desire.

Folk remedies

It should be noted right away that folk, home remedies for increasing libido can be used only if the attending physician does not prohibit it. Otherwise, you can harm the body.

According to reviews, a rather effective way to increase libido in women with folk remedies is to take a decoction from the leaves and roots of ground tribulus . They stimulate the production of estrogen and testosterone in the body. The broth can be used 3 times a day, drinking 2 tablespoons at a time.

By trying one of these methods, you can get rid of the problem.

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