
Ways to increase potency from different nations

From time immemorial, different nations have had inexpensive but repeatedly proven ways to increase potency.

Most believe that the revolution in male sexology occurred after the invention of super-means that increase potency.

However, from time immemorial, different nations have existed and less expensive, but repeatedly proven ways to increase potency.

Dr. med. Valentin Prozorovsky tells about some of them.

Know-how of Kama Sutra.   Before the night of love, the ancient Indians recommend eating a mixture of rice, cooked in milk, with passerines, fried onions and honey.

Avicenna’s secret.   The great Central Asian doctor of the 11th century, in his “Canon of Medicine”, recommended using nettle, nutmeg, honey, pepper and rooster’s eggs to increase potency in his diet.

The diet of the samurai.   In Japan, it has long been known that the potency of men increases with the incorporation of grated radish into the diet. This dish is necessarily included in the diet of the samurai, who were supposed to be at a height not only in battle. In recent years, Japanese scientists have found the same properties in beets.

French drink.   Henry IV, known for his exploits, invented a special drink for stimulation: a mixture of brandy with egg yolk. Madame Pompadour, no less famous of her kind, drank a cup of chocolate with celery every morning. In his memoirs, Casanova left a mention of the fact that it is very effective to eat chocolate with nuts.

Papal sauce.   This name received a medieval drink to preserve potency. It contains the following ingredients: finely chopped ham, onions, carrots, celery, parsley in white wine with chicken broth seasoned with garlic, cloves, lemon peel. You need to fry pre-boiled slices of celery root, adding a mixture of butter and flour in the broth, quail eggs and nutmeg.

Herbal Recipes.   Handwritten herbalists, common in Russia, in different types of impotence recommended to take an infusion of grass and flowers of periwinkle, decoctions root vegetable parsnip roots Asparagus officinalis, Orchis militaris and broad, the infusion lungwort, a decoction of tubers Platanthera bifolia, plantain bloshnogo, infusion of herbs thyme and sage. The effectiveness of all these herbal preparations and others like them is questionable, however, there are no grounds for refusing them. However, the use of poisonous plants, such as forest anemone, also recommended for this purpose, is extremely dangerous.

Testament of the ancient Romans.   Another Pliny the Elder wrote about the favorable and miraculous effect on the potency of pink onions. The Romans used to activate libido almost all the sharp vegetable substances: onions, garlic, red and black pepper. Today, doctors believe that if they are not contraindicated in connection with diseases of the stomach and kidneys, they, of course, can be used. The mechanism of their action is partly connected with the general activation of metabolism, and partly with irritation of the urinary tract.

African tree.   In Cameroon, is growing so-called “tree pohotnoe” yohimbou or iohimbea, whose bark, as it turned out, contains the alkaloid yohimbine, facilitating erection. He warns of the constricting effect of hormones on the receptors of the blood vessels of the penis, which as a result relax and fill with blood. It also has a stimulating effect, since libido also increases. Yohimbine has many side effects, especially for people with heart problems.

Spanish bugs . In Europe, in the Middle Ages, the use of spanking flies (more correctly – Spanish bugs) containing cantharidin , which is an extremely irritating substance for the skin and blood vessels, was quite common . Now the use of cantharidin for therapeutic purposes is prohibited.

Liana Inca. Peruvian drug “Cat’s claw”, used to maintain potency, is an extract of Uncaria creeper tomentosis . It is intended for the treatment of prostatitis, but is also effective for impotence. In a significant proportion of cases, treatment of prostatitis alone is enough to restore sexual dysfunction. Although some drugs intended for the treatment of prostate adenoma, can reduce potency, because they contain substances that block the action of testosterone.

Secrets of the Siberian and Far Eastern forests.   In the first place among the plants growing in this zone and used for stimulation, undoubtedly, is ginseng. For a long time, his mysterious root, like a little man, was worth its weight in gold. The places of its growth were kept by local residents in great secrecy, and the collection of roots was associated with legends and magical rites. Often such legends turn out to be just ancient delusions, but when applied to the ginseng of all the methods of modern science, he confirmed his merits. The main active principles of this plant are isolated, and it is scientifically proved that they are highly effective and extremely low toxicity. Unlike other well-known stimulants, these substances cause a tonic effect, which is characterized by a prolonged activating effect. It is proved that tincture of ginseng in small doses increases the performance of healthy people by 25%. The action of the drug is most effective for sexual disorders caused by stress factors.  

Eleutherococcus is a natural substitute for ginseng, not inferior, and according to some information even superior to it. Similar properties possesses the bait from the family of Aralia . Chinese lemongrass has not only a tonic, but also a stimulating effect. However, lemongrass is not recommended to take before bedtime, its stimulating effect will last all night. In addition, it is contraindicated in ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, with cardiac abnormalities and high blood pressure.

Aralia Manchu is an even more active stimulant than Schizandra, but Aralia is more toxic. The tincture is applied 10-20 drops in the morning. Rhodiola rosea (golden root) is used in the form of a liquid extract, 5–10 drops 1–2 times a day. Contraindicated in the presence of arousal and high blood pressure. LevzeySafflower (maral root) can also have a beneficial effect on potency. Stimulating dose – 40 drops of liquid extract, toning – 20–30 drops with the appearance of the effect on the 5–6th day of administration.

Pantocrinum is a liquid extract of the undead antlers of young deer. Most indicated with a decrease in libido in women in the premenopausal and climacteric period. Apply 45 drops 2 times a day. The effect occurs in 6–8 days and reaches a maximum at the 3-4th week. Frequent repeated courses reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

The power of the coast.   Peoples living near the sea, not having exotic, used very simple methods to maintain masculine strength: the diet should contain as much fresh meat and fish as possible. In addition to essential amino acids, meat contains B vitamins, iron, and also excitatory extractive substances. The fish are less rich in them, but in it there are phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and in marine fish iodine, molybdenum, copper and zinc are all absolutely necessary for potency.