An acute inflammatory disease provoked by infectious microorganisms, mycoplasmas, is called mycoplasmosis. Symptoms and methods of treating it in men are well known to venereologists
Cytomegalovirus infection is one of the types of herpes that lives in the body of most people. According to statistics, pathogenic cells are diagnosed in
Gonorrhea (or gonorrhea) is caused by antibiotic-sensitive bacteria. Not all drugs are used for treatment. Most often, doctors prescribe gonorrhea pills from the list of
It is believed that thrush is characteristic only for women. Not at all, the disease also occurs in men. It rarely manifests itself, but it
Syphilis is a serious disease transmitted mainly through sexual contact. It has three stages of development: primary, almost asymptomatic, secondary, when most internal organs are
Urogenital infections are one of the most unpleasant that you have to deal with. These “delicate” problems not only cause discomfort, but also threaten with