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How can a man develop a “devilry” in himself? Step one: learn to be adventurous

To drag a woman to bed, you can learn to sing sweetly and sweeten the ear of a female. You can learn the gallantry and some specific manners in dealing with this type of women. And applying all this fondant creamy arsenal of seduction, you can achieve the desired.

However, such female females have quite diminished in our time, and it is quite possible that when courting, a woman will feel sick at the first minute from such an amount of sugary sweet to her.

But no matter how hard a woman tries to look modern – independent and impregnable, she can love ingenuously to infinity. To love to exhaustion … Women, in general, were born primarily for love. And we men should always remember this and use it. Use competently and skillfully.  

Many women are ready to fall in sweet sin, almost everything in their sexual fantasies . And only the magic of the “male devil” can help you turn the woman so round that she will gladly go with you in all serious ways.  

It’s better to start developing a “male devil” in yourself with a healthy adventurous relationship.

A task. How to determine your ability to be adventurous in a love relationship?  

Decision. Just not by the “poke” method! .. Women need to be loved, not experimented with. Yes, and experimenting in love at first is desirable only in the imagination. Determine your ability to adventure can be as follows.  

Mentally create yourself a lover. Imagine an intimate picture of physical intimacy. Allow yourself in thoughts what has never happened to you. Imagine a sexual theme in the framework of common sense. And listen to yourself. If there is no sharp rejection of fantasies, but there is already a shaken protest of your moral principles and you want to continue the love stories in reality, then it makes sense to develop a “devilishness” in yourself.

If the rejection is so strong that you do not want to think about it, or your fantasies border on pathology (in your opinion), then do something else. There are many more interesting things in life than exercises in the “male devil”.   

A task. How to learn to be adventurous in a love relationship? 

Decision. I want to make a reservation right away: to educate in yourself that which is not from birth is a difficult thing. This is much more difficult than upsetting yourself. This is a difficult matter, but a possible one.  

Keep fantasizing about sex. Come up with incredible pictures of your intimate life, where you are the main character. You are a hero! .. Everything is allowed to you and you do not know the word “no”. You can only make a woman undress with one glance. And the Kama Sutra is babble compared to your exuberant fantasy …   

Most importantly , you should already enjoy being relaxed and relaxed in dealing with women. Let mentally. Even in fantasies, but in situations on the love front, you are the second lieutenant Rzhevsky. Or is he second after you.  

Your subconscious should “get used” to your images so much that the first reaction to events in reality is already in a new quality. And all this – easily and naturally – naturally.   

It is believed that one who already thinks in English is considered to have learned English. So in your case – do not force yourself to be on occasion allegedly an adventurer in amorous affairs. Live it … You are already different. 

Why is adventurism in love relationships the first step in developing a “male devilry” within yourself? .. With pleasure , in the next article.  

In the meantime , fantasize about your health.

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