Modern erectile dysfunction treatments

What could be the cause of male coldness?

The sexual behavior of some women can last a long time, if not forever, to kill the attraction to them.

Sometimes it seems that men are creatures for whom there is always little sex, and women, on the contrary, are poor creatures, doomed to perform nightly conjugal duties. But it happens and vice versa. The question is “why?” Started a mistress, got sick, overworked at work? Maybe so, but nevertheless , instead of looking for a cause on the side, is it not better to try to discern it in your own family situation?    

Perhaps your lover does not like your sexual behavior, but he does not dare to talk about it. Now I will list several types of women who are able to cool the ardor of even the most zealous lover. Maybe someone will see himself in one of the types.

She knows exactly how to have sex, and therefore dictates to her husband what to do and in what sequence. Failure to follow any instructions is fraught with grievances or scandal. In the first place for women who are inclined to command in bed, the word “must”, while a man wants to make his beloved pleasant on his own initiative, and not by someone else’s command.

Such a woman has written on her face: leave me alone! She is always either depressed, or experiencing an exacerbation of a chronic disease, or simply without strength from work or doing household chores. Sometimes the “tired” do not mind indulging in carnal pleasures, but these moments are so rare that the spouse usually does not manage to catch them. 

In bed, she behaves as if she might crumble from one touch. He asks her husband to be more careful, because she is afraid of “pulling her back”, falling out of bed, getting excited, getting pregnant, finally. She will never make love if someone is behind the wall, even if this someone is her child, sleeping soundly. If the spouse, wanting to diversify the dull sex life, offers her to try something new, then the “timid” indignantly dismisses even the most innocuous offers.   

Uses sexual intimacy for verbal outpourings of everything that has accumulated in her soul in a day or even in the last hour. It is in the moments of the greatest location of her husband to seek to discuss with him all the problems, many of which are infinitely far from sex. In this case, the “talker” completely forgets about sex itself or “crumple the program.” She either can not or does not want to understand that men generally do not like conversations during lovemaking, she wonders why she does not succeed in conversation or sex. 

With an abundance of body care products, and on any wallet, she manages not to take care of herself. She claims that her husband should love her all, but in fact she simply does not respect herself or her husband.

All of these women have one thing in common: they relate to sex insofar as they do not see problems causing “problems” in their sex life. Sex as such does not interest them; it is not a goal for them, but a means to solve other tasks: command a husband, relieve tension, find out relationships, pour out a soul. That is why sex in their lives is practically absent – after all, all of the above can be achieved in other ways. 

I wish everyone less problems of such a plan. Appreciate and respect a man. He may not, even though himself, make such sacrifices because of you. Be nice, funny and take care of that same, beloved person who is ready to roll mountains for your sake. In a word, good luck!

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