Modern erectile dysfunction treatments

What to do if you don’t have time for girls?

If you dream of a cute girl next to you, but there is not enough time to find her? The first thing to do is to decide on priorities.

If you do not have enough time for girls, then you are wasting time on something more valuable. For example, you are engaged in work, career, sports, studies, health, something else, and all this is incredibly important to you. But then ask yourself:

“And with whom will you share these achievements in 5 years? And could you achieve these achievements faster if you had a girlfriend?

Let’s say you want career growth, and you are fighting the whole world alone and without support. But if you have a girlfriend who adores and supports you, then you will rush up the career ladder, jumping over the steps. No wonder there is a famous phrase that behind every great man is a great woman.


Review your priorities. It’s not the easiest decision to spend your time on something that won’t work right now. Yes, you have to go and meet girls, and this will not give you a wife in a week, but if you are persistent, it will definitely bring results in the future.

For example, when I start a new project, I always ask myself the question: “Will I be grateful to myself in 5 years for the decision made today?”. And if I understand that yes, I will be grateful to myself for going with friends to prostitutes, instead of going to the gym or going to meet a girl, then I do it. But if the answer is “no”, it means that I don’t do it now, or later – never. By asking yourself this question constantly, it is easier to make decisions in complex areas of life that take resources away from current projects, but work for the future.

Simple Practice

There is one practice that can very quickly change your priorities and provide motivation to approach girls and make time for them – this is simple abstinence. Try not to meet with ex-girlfriends, and even more so not to meet girls with a “low level of social responsibility,” as Vladimir Vladimirovich called them. Forget your signature masturbation techniques and try just 3 months of abstinence.

In a week you will start to devour all the women with your eyes, in 2 weeks you will wake up the most sociable person on the planet, in 3 weeks you will chat girls on the street so that they will write about you in local newspapers, and in 3 months you will choose yourself, which of the girls to come to meet you. This is one simple way and one simple step – to stop wasting energy on the wrong women. But the effect of it is colossal.

Not enough time. Summing up

If you don’t have time for girls:

  1. Get to grips with your priorities. For harmonious development, it is necessary to work in all directions.
  2. Ask yourself the question: “Will I be grateful to myself in 5 years?” and act forward.
  3. Practice temperance and good taste. As you know, sex cures depression, and we do not self-medicate.

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