This question interested me after the gay parade. Looking at how fascist youths, people in Cossack uniforms and church vestments, beat human rights activists who advocate
“See obscene dreams? .. It’s indecent! Wake up immediately and roll over to the other side. “ Maybe it’s not so categorical in form, but it
Toys for orgasm. The attitude to these things in different age categories is extraordinary. 17 year olds are usually embarrassed. 25-year-olds often cause a laugh. Those who are
There is an opinion that women are monogamous creatures, they are created for the family, their destiny is to raise children and protect the family hearth. But
“Like an angel” – such a figurative comparison is unlikely to please men. “Devilishly handsome” or “damn good” is what I would like to hear from women about them. Often men are
When do you have problems communicating with men? When active courtship ends and cohabitation begins. Claims, disputes, quarrels arise, here it is necessary to talk, solve problems,
If the state strikes at the demand for sex services, and not at the offer, then positive changes in solving the problem of prostitution will become
The husband is regularly interested in Ani: “Are you poisonous today?” The word “poisonous” joker indicates the degree of fertility. If Anya answers “yes” or at least
Have you noticed the peculiarity of a modern man – to divide and distribute the female functions necessary for his life, which ideally should be represented
Often, after many years of living together, the couple’s sexual life almost comes to naught. Sex, if it happens, is simply a necessary physiological discharge for